On Order?


Products ordered from our "On Order" collection OR state "Brand Name - On Order" beneath the product, are directly sourced in from Italy from when the order is received. Our distributors then send us the goods within 4-6 days. Once we complete our checks and confirm everything is good to go, we then send your product directly to you on a special delivery. Therefore, the sourced items will be with you within 8 days, but please allow up to 10 in case there are any minor delays (UK). 

Shipping Time

As stated above, please allow 8-10 days for the item/s to be delivered to the UK. This service is free of charge. 

Customers who place orders from our "On Order" collection outside of the UK are to expect a delivery time of 12-16 days. This service is set at £15.


Unfortunately as the items are sourced in as and when required, we cannot accept returns on orders placed from our "On Order" collection.

Any Questions?

If you have any queries regarding orders placed from our "On Order" collection, please do not hesitate to contact us. This can be done via email (info@thedesignerboxuk.com) or by Instagram DM. Thank you. 

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